
Thursday, December 1

Nerf Lab for the Freshman!!!

This is what I want you to write for your lab:

The Goals: You were trying to find out Muzzle Velocity and Force of Ejection. What are these?

1) What was your plan to figure out Muzzle Velocity and Force of Ejection? What was your procedure? Give me lots of details!!!

2) What did you find? Include your data!!! What was the Muzzle Velocity and the Force of Ejection? Which launcher was more powerful (i.e. the Force of Ejection was greater)? Which launcher has the greater Muzzle Velocity? If you only had time to test one launcher, give more details such as how the range is affected by the Muzzle Velocity.

This lab should be 2-3 pages (including your original data). Everyone should submit their own lab report! This is due on Monday!!!

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