
Monday, October 17

Monday, October 17th, 2011 (A Day)

AP Physics:  We want you guys to continue to grow in this class.  As teachers, we know that we are also often learning alongside the students.  We'd like you to help us learn how to improve the student experience. Since this is our first year teaching AP Physics, we would like some of your ideas on how to make the class better. 
This assignment should be completed in your blogs.  Please write what an ideal class/classroom would be like for you. Think of some classes you've had in the past where you feel you learned the most.  Describe what those classes were like and why you enjoyed them or learned so much in them.  Lastly, I'd like your ideas on how we can implement some of those things you enjoyed into our AP Physics class.  Please do not simply write: "I like watching movies in class".  Try hard to explain how we could make that happen in our class.  (like what specific movie could we watch and how would it help you acheive the objectives) Hopefully you will be able to come up with good ideas or strategies that will help us make the class a more enjoyable and effective one.  This assignment will be due on Thursday 10/20/11 by the end of the school day.  Please, no more late entries in blogs.

Junior/Senior Physics:  Read Below. In addition to the selected practice problems, you must also write your own ORIGINAL kinematics problem. We want you to be creative!  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FINISH THIS BY THURSDAY 10/20/11!!! IT HAS TO BE FINISHED SO OTHER STUDENTS CAN SOLVE YOUR QUESTION! AND SO YOU CAN SOLVE THEIRS! Again, please read Mr. Kolb's post directly beneath this one!

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