
Thursday, October 20

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Junior/Sr. Physics:  Complete the "Hopper Lab".  THIS WILL COUNT AS A QUIZ (Just like the other labs!!!) Turn it in on Monday to Mr. Kolb.  Also for Monday, you can begin looking at the other students' blogs in our class.  Your assignment will be to solve someone else's physics problem.  You should know the correct answer to the problem you've posted as well. Remember I will be out on Monday and Wednesday!  Click here to view the other students' blogs:

AP Physics:  We will be having the TEST on Universal Gravitation Next week.  Continue to work on the practice problems, read the copies of the text book and presentation.  Focus on the multiple choice and the open ended.   Also, please schedule a time to retake any previous tests!  The end of the cycle is near!

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